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33 Basic Math Lessons


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1. Which fraction belongs in the box to make the number sentence true?

Basic Math Lesson 1: Comparing Fractions

Explain your answer

2. The table shows a relationship between the number of sets of dishes and the number of plates in the sets. How many plates are in 1 set of dishes?

Basic Math Lesson 2: Number Operation and Algebra

Explain your answer

3. Kari had a page of stamps. She used some of the stamps from the center of the page. The picture below shows the stamps Kari has left. How much of the page of stamps did Kari use?

Augmented Reality to show the concept of Area, Perimeter, and Volume using Geogebra 3D AR

Basic Math Lesson 3: Measurement and Data

Explain your answer

4. Gloria and her 3 friends will share a pizza equally. Which fraction shows the portion of the pizza each person will receive?

Basic Math Lesson 4: Fraction Number

Explain your answer

5. Look at the vertex-edge graph. How many different paths can be traveled from vertex A to vertex D by visiting a vertex only once?

Basic Math Lesson 5: Vertex Edge Graph

Explain your answer

6. Which fraction is closest to 0 on a number line?

Basic Math Lesson 6: Fraction and Numberline

Explain your answer

7. Abby, Zach, and Beth had a jump rope contest. The chart below shows the length of time each child jumped rope. Based on this information, which statement is true?

Basic Math Lesson 7: Logic and Mathematical Model

Explain your answer

8. What is the sum of the numbers of 543 + 171?

Basic Math Lesson 8: Addition Operation

Explain your answer

9. The jar below has 21 beans in it. About how many beans will be in the jar when it is full?

Basic Math Lesson 9: Learn how to estimate

Explain your answer

10. Which figure shows 4 x 2 ?

Basic Math Lesson 10: Multiplication Operation and Grouping

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11. Amber had 13 pencils. She gave some of them away. Now she has 6 left. Which equation could show how many pencils Amber gave away?

Basic Math Lesson 11: Solve for the unknown number in the equation

Explain your answer

12. Which fraction is between 3/4 and 1 on a number line?

Basic Math Lesson 12: Plotting Fraction on a Number line

Explain your answer

12a) additional question: without drawing a benchmark fraction, which is greater between the two fraction 3/6 and 5/6. How about 2/6 and 3/6 ?

Explain your answer

12b) additional question: without drawing a benchmark fraction, which is greater between the two fraction 3/10 and 3/8. How about 3/8 and 3/4 ?

Explain your answer

13. Mario knows that a 1-quart jar holds 4 cups of lemonade. He will make 8 cups of lemonade. How many 1-quart jars will Mario need?

SOURCE: Arizona Department of Education, Arizona Mathematics Standards 3rd Grade, Sample Math Assessment Test Question
Arizona Mathematics Standards 3rd Grade & Introduction to AZ Math Standard
Math Lesson Curriculum Aligned to AZ Standard for Mathematical Practice 3.MP.4 Model with mathematics.

Mathematically proficient students apply the mathematics they know to solve problems arising in everyday life, society, and the workplace. When given a problem in a contextual situation, they identify the mathematical elements of a situation and create a mathematical model that represents those mathematical elements and the relationships among them. Mathematically proficient students use their model to analyze the relationships and draw conclusions. They interpret their mathematical results in the context of the situation and reflect on whether the results make sense, possibly improving the model if it has not served its purpose.

Explain your answer

14. Look at the puzzle. Which piece completes the puzzle?

SOURCE: Arizona Department of Education, Arizona Mathematics Standards 3rd Grade, Sample Math Assessment Test Question
Arizona Mathematics Standards 3rd Grade & Introduction to AZ Math Standard
Math Lesson Curriculum Aligned to AZ Standard for Mathematical Practice 3.MP.3 Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.

Mathematically proficient students construct mathematical arguments (explain the reasoning underlying a strategy, solution, or conjecture) using concrete, pictorial, or symbolic referents. Arguments may also rely on definitions, assumptions, previously established results, properties, or structures. Mathematically proficient students make conjectures and build a logical progression of statements to explore the truth of their conjectures. They are able to analyze situations by breaking them into cases, and can recognize and use counterexamples. Mathematically proficient students present their arguments in the form of representations, actions on those representations, and explanations in words (oral or written). Students critique others by affirming or questioning the reasoning of others. They can listen to or read the reasoning of others, decide whether it makes sense, ask questions to clarify or improve the reasoning, and validate or build on it. Mathematically proficient students can communicate their arguments, compare them to others, and reconsider their own arguments in response to the critiques of others.

Explain your answer

15. What number is missing from the sequence?

SOURCE: Arizona Department of Education, Arizona Mathematics Standards 3rd Grade, Sample Math Assessment Test Question
Arizona Mathematics Standards 3rd Grade & Introduction to AZ Math Standard
Math Lesson Curriculum Aligned to AZ Standard for Mathematical Practice 3.MP.8 Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.

Mathematically proficient students look for and describe regularities as they solve multiple related problems. They formulate conjectures about what they notice and communicate observations with precision. While solving problems, students maintain oversight of the process and continually evaluate the reasonableness of their results. This informs and strengthens their understanding of the structure of mathematics which leads to fluency.

and 3.MP.1
Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them..

Mathematically proficient students explain to themselves the meaning of a problem, look for entry points to begin work on the problem, and plan and choose a solution pathway. While engaging in productive struggle to solve a problem, they continually ask themselves, “Does this make sense?" to monitor and evaluate their progress and change course if necessary. Once they have a solution, they look back at the problem to determine if the solution is reasonable and accurate. Mathematically proficient students check their solutions to problems using different methods, approaches, or representations. They also compare and understand different representations of problems and different solution pathways, both their own and those of others.

Explain your answer

16. Mike is saving his pennies. When he saves 698, he will buy some school supplies. Mike has 427. How many more does he need to reach his goal?

SOURCE: Arizona Department of Education, Arizona Mathematics Standards 3rd Grade, Sample Math Assessment Test Question
Arizona Mathematics Standards 3rd Grade & Introduction to AZ Math Standard
Math Lesson Curriculum Aligned to AZ Standard for Operation and Algebraic Thinking 3.OA.A.4 Determine the unknown whole number in an addition or subtraction equation relating three whole numbers For example, determine the unknown number that makes the equation true in the equations 695 - 427 = ☐ written mathematically as 695 - 427 = x

and 3.OA.D.8 Solve two-step word problems using the four operations. Represent these problems using equations with letter "x" or square box standing for the unknown quantity. Utilize understanding of the Order of Operations when there are no parentheses

Explain your answer

17. The table shows the possible food choices for lunch. How many different lunches can be made that include one type of soup, one type of sandwich, and one type of salad?

SOURCE: Arizona Department of Education, Arizona Mathematics Standards 3rd Grade, Sample Math Assessment Test Question
Arizona Mathematics Standards 3rd Grade & Introduction to AZ Math Standard
Math Lesson Curriculum Aligned to AZ Standard for Mathematical Practice 3.MP.4 Model with mathematics.

Mathematically proficient students apply the mathematics they know to solve problems arising in everyday life, society, and the workplace. When given a problem in a contextual situation, they identify the mathematical elements of a situation and create a mathematical model that represents those mathematical elements and the relationships among them. Mathematically proficient students use their model to analyze the relationships and draw conclusions. They interpret their mathematical results in the context of the situation and reflect on whether the results make sense, possibly improving the model if it has not served its purpose.

Math Lesson Curriculum Aligned to to AZ Standard for Operation and Algebraic Thinking and 3.OA.D.9 identify and explain patterns in arithmetic.

Explain your answer

18. Look at the array. What is the perimeter of this array?

Augmented Reality to show the concept of Area, Perimeter, and Volume using Geogebra 3D AR

SOURCE: Arizona Department of Education, Arizona Mathematics Standards 3rd Grade, Sample Math Assessment Test Question
Arizona Mathematics Standards 3rd Grade & Introduction to AZ Math Standard
Math Lesson Curriculum Aligned to AZ Standard for Measurement and Data 3.MD.C.8 Solve real-world and mathematical problems involving perimeters of plane figures and areas of rectangles, including finding the perimeter given the side lengths, finding an unknown side length. Represent rectangles with the same perimeter and different areas or with the same area and different perimeters.

Explain your answer

19. Which figure has only one base and one vertex?

SOURCE: Arizona Department of Education, Arizona Mathematics Standards 3rd Grade, Sample Math Assessment Test Question
Arizona Mathematics Standards 3rd Grade & Introduction to AZ Math Standard
Math Lesson Curriculum Aligned to AZ Standard for Geometry 3.G.A.1 Understand that shapes in different categories (e.g., rhombuses, rectangles, and others)may share attributes (e.g., having four sides), and that the shared attributes can define a larger category (e.g., quadrilaterals). Recognize rhombuses, rectangles, and squares as examples of quadrilaterals, and draw examples quadrilaterals that do not belong to any of these subcategories.

Explain your answer

20. Mr. Jacob’s class is going on a field trip. They need to split into groups of 4 students. If there are 24 students in Mr. Jacob’s class, how many groups will be there?

SOURCE: Arizona Department of Education, Arizona Mathematics Standards 3rd Grade, Sample Math Assessment Test Question
Arizona Mathematics Standards 3rd Grade & Introduction to AZ Math Standard
Math Lesson Curriculum Aligned to AZ Standard for Operation and Algebraic Thinking 3.OA.A.4 Determine the unknown whole number in a multiplication or division equation relating three whole numbers For example, determine the unknown number that makes the equation true in the equations 24 ÷ 4 = ☐ written mathematically as 24 ÷ 4 = x

and 3.OA.D.8 Solve two-step word problems using the four operations. Represent these problems using equations with letter "x" or square box standing for the unknown quantity. Utilize understanding of the Order of Operations when there are no parentheses

Explain your answer

21. Sara used a rule to create the numbers in the input-output table. What rule did Sara use?

SOURCE: Arizona Department of Education, Arizona Mathematics Standards 3rd Grade, Sample Math Assessment Test Question
Arizona Mathematics Standards 3rd Grade & Introduction to AZ Math Standard
Math Lesson Curriculum Aligned to AZ Standard for Mathematical Practice 3.MP.4 Model with mathematics.

Mathematically proficient students apply the mathematics they know to solve problems arising in everyday life, society, and the workplace. When given a problem in a contextual situation, they identify the mathematical elements of a situation and create a mathematical model that represents those mathematical elements and the relationships among them. Mathematically proficient students use their model to analyze the relationships and draw conclusions. They interpret their mathematical results in the context of the situation and reflect on whether the results make sense, possibly improving the model if it has not served its purpose.

Explain your answer

21a The relationship can be given by a table, model, or input/output (function) machine.

Explain your answer

22. Jackie’s mom baked cookies. Jackie wants to share the cookies equally with five friends. What information is needed to determine how many cookies each person could get?

SOURCE: Arizona Department of Education, Arizona Mathematics Standards 3rd Grade, Sample Math Assessment Test Question
Arizona Mathematics Standards 3rd Grade & Introduction to AZ Math Standard
Math Lesson Curriculum Aligned to AZ Standard for Mathematical Practice 3.MP.4 Model with mathematics.

Mathematically proficient students apply the mathematics they know to solve problems arising in everyday life, society, and the workplace. When given a problem in a contextual situation, they identify the mathematical elements of a situation and create a mathematical model that represents those mathematical elements and the relationships among them. Mathematically proficient students use their model to analyze the relationships and draw conclusions. They interpret their mathematical results in the context of the situation and reflect on whether the results make sense, possibly improving the model if it has not served its purpose.

Explain your answer

23. Joe’s family had pie for dessert. They ate 3/4 of the pie. Which picture shows how much pie Joe’s family has left?

SOURCE: Arizona Department of Education, Arizona Mathematics Standards 3rd Grade, Sample Math Assessment Test Question
Arizona Mathematics Standards 3rd Grade & Introduction to AZ Math Standard
Math Lesson Curriculum Aligned to AZ Standard for Number and Operations - Fraction 3.NF.A.1 Understand a fraction (1/b) as the quantity formed by one part when a whole is partitioned into b equal parts; understand a fraction a/b as the quantity formed by a parts of size 1/b.

andAZ Standard for Geometry 3.G.A.2
Partition shapes into b parts with equal areas. Express the area of each part as a unit fraction 1/b of the whole. (Grade 3 expectations are limited to fractions with denominators b = 2,3,4,6,8.)

Explain your answer

24. The bar graph shows the results of a survey about pets from Mr. Hall’s class. Based on the graph, how many more students have dogs than gerbrils?

SOURCE: Arizona Department of Education, Arizona Mathematics Standards 3rd Grade, Sample Math Assessment Test Question
Arizona Mathematics Standards 3rd Grade & Introduction to AZ Math Standard
Math Lesson Curriculum Aligned to AZ Standard for Measurement and Data 3.MD.B.3 Create a scaled picture graph and a scaled bar graph to represent a data set with several categories. Solve one and two step "how many more" and "how many less" problems using information presented in scaled bar graphs.

Explain your answer

25. The bar graph shows the results of a survey about pets from Mr. Hall’s class. Based on the graph, what is the most popular pet in Mr. Hall’s Class?

SOURCE: Arizona Department of Education, Arizona Mathematics Standards 3rd Grade, Sample Math Assessment Test Question
Arizona Mathematics Standards 3rd Grade & Introduction to AZ Math Standard
Math Lesson Curriculum Aligned to AZ Standard for Measurement and Data 3.MD.B.3 Create a scaled picture graph and a scaled bar graph to represent a data set with several categories. Solve one and two step "how many more" and "how many less" problems using information presented in scaled bar graphs.

Explain your answer

26. Ms. Ryan asked each student in her class if they have any pets. Her results are shown below. Base on the information from the graph and from Ms. Ryan’s class, which statement is most likely true?

SOURCE: Arizona Department of Education, Arizona Mathematics Standards 3rd Grade, Sample Math Assessment Test Question
Arizona Mathematics Standards 3rd Grade
Math Lesson Curriculum Aligned to AZ Standard for Measurement and Data 3.MD.B.3 Create a scaled picture graph and a scaled bar graph to represent a data set with several categories. Solve one and two step "how many more" and "how many less" problems using information presented in scaled bar graphs.

Explain your answer

27. What are the next 2 terms in the sequence?

SOURCE: Arizona Department of Education, Arizona Mathematics Standards 3rd Grade, Sample Math Assessment Test Question
Arizona Mathematics Standards 3rd Grade & Introduction to AZ Math Standard
Math Lesson Curriculum Aligned to AZ Standard for Mathematical Practice 3.MP.8 Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.

Mathematically proficient students look for and describe regularities as they solve multiple related problems. They formulate conjectures about what they notice and communicate observations with precision. While solving problems, students maintain oversight of the process and continually evaluate the reasonableness of their results. This informs and strengthens their understanding of the structure of mathematics which leads to fluency.

and 3.MP.1
Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them..

Mathematically proficient students explain to themselves the meaning of a problem, look for entry points to begin work on the problem, and plan and choose a solution pathway. While engaging in productive struggle to solve a problem, they continually ask themselves, “Does this make sense?" to monitor and evaluate their progress and change course if necessary. Once they have a solution, they look back at the problem to determine if the solution is reasonable and accurate. Mathematically proficient students check their solutions to problems using different methods, approaches, or representations. They also compare and understand different representations of problems and different solution pathways, both their own and those of others.

Explain your answer

28. What is the numeric form of the number written below? One hundred four thousand one hundred three

SOURCE: Arizona Department of Education, Arizona Mathematics Standards 3rd Grade, Sample Math Assessment Test Question
Arizona Mathematics Standards 3rd Grade & Introduction to AZ Math Standard
Math Lesson Curriculum Aligned to AZ Standard for Number and Operations in Base Ten 3.NBT.A.1 Use place value understanding to round whole numbers to the nearest 10, 100,1000, 10000, and 100,000

Explain your answer

29. The pool at the park is about 96 feet long. If Randy swims across the length of the pool 2 times, about how many feet will he swim?

SOURCE: Arizona Department of Education, Arizona Mathematics Standards 3rd Grade, Sample Math Assessment Test Question
Arizona Mathematics Standards 3rd Grade & Introduction to AZ Math Standard
Math Lesson Curriculum Aligned to AZ Standard for Operations and Algebraic Thinking 3.OA.D.10 When solving problems, assess the reasonableness of answers using mental computation and estimation strategies including rounding.

Explain your answer

30. Rusty helps his teacher pass out books 4 times a day. How many times does Rusty help his teacher in 5 days?

SOURCE: Arizona Department of Education, Arizona Mathematics Standards 3rd Grade, Sample Math Assessment Test Question
Arizona Mathematics Standards 3rd Grade & Introduction to AZ Math Standard
Math Lesson Curriculum Aligned to AZ Standard for Operations and Algebraic Thinking 3.OA.D.8 Solve two-step word problems using the four operations. Represent these problems using equations with a letter standing for the unknown quantity. Utilize understanding of the Order of Operations when there are no parentheses.

Explain your answer

31. Which number means the same as the one below?

SOURCE: Arizona Department of Education, Arizona Mathematics Standards 3rd Grade, Sample Math Assessment Test Question
Arizona Mathematics Standards 3rd Grade & Introduction to AZ Math Standard
Math Lesson Curriculum Aligned to AZ Standard for Number and Operations in Base Ten 3.NBT.A.1 Use place value understanding to round whole numbers to the nearest 10, 100, 1000, and 10000

Explain your answer

32. Morgan solved the problem below for her homework. 7x3 = 21. What can Morgan do to check her answer?

SOURCE: Arizona Department of Education, Arizona Mathematics Standards 3rd Grade, Sample Math Assessment Test Question
Arizona Mathematics Standards 3rd Grade & Introduction to AZ Math Standard
Math Lesson Curriculum Aligned to AZ Standard for Operations and Algebraic Thinking 3.OA.B.5 Apply properties of operations as strategies to multiply and divide. Properties include commutative and associative properties of multiplication and the distributive property. (Students do not need to use the formal terms for these properties.)

Explain your answer

33. Which object is a cylinder?

SOURCE: Arizona Department of Education, Arizona Mathematics Standards 3rd Grade, Sample Math Assessment Test Question
Arizona Mathematics Standards 3rd Grade & Introduction to AZ Math Standard
Math Lesson Curriculum Aligned to AZ Standard for Geometry 3.G.A.1 Understand that shapes in different categories (e.g., rhombuses, rectangles, and others)may share attributes (e.g., having four sides), and that the shared attributes can define a larger category (e.g., quadrilaterals). Recognize rhombuses, rectangles, and squares as examples of quadrilaterals, and draw examples quadrilaterals that do not belong to any of these subcategories.

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