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Waveform Addition to Add Vectors

Vector Addition Using Waveform

When the magnitude of A phase, B phase , and C phase are equal and 120 degree apart. The AC three phase system is called balance phase. shown below is a good visualization.

A-Ph B-Ph C-Ph phase angle A-Ph (Blue) phase angle B-Ph (Black) phase angle C-Ph (Red) Answer is zero balance circuit
120 120 120 0 ° 120 240 green waveform is zero magnitude

To edit go to the bottom at right hand corner and click edit graph on Desmos

By Sam Ortega, Created with Desmos Graphing

Shown below is unbalance circuit the green waveform is not zero. B-phase (black) voltage dip to 90 Volts

By Sam Ortega, Created with Desmos Graphing

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