
Pythagorean Equation Formula

by Apolinario "Sam" Ortega, updated 4/12/2024
founder IN-V-BAT-AI

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Enter a = 25.36 in input box and
b = 25.33 in input box
Then click the solve for "c" buttton. Answer c = 35.843

Given distance, a or vars
if " a " is the missing data

Given distance, b or watts =
if " b" is the missing data

Given distance, c or kva =
if "c" is the missing data

Link to Parallel RLC circuit

Formula Recall

c2 = a2 + b2 Pythagorean Theorem

NaN means Not a Number , what it means is the calculated answer is a complex number.This calculator only allows real numbers. So when the answer is a complex number, NaN will appear. Also if you enter any letter in the input box, example letter O, NaN will also appear.

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